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10 - Upload inventory with a CSV

Bulk Inventory Upload

To bring inventory from another source using an Excel or CSV file into the Tire Shop Wizard program, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the dashboard, click the Add/Upload products link in the header.

  2. From the add inventory page, click the green Upload List button.

  3. Get the template file from the link provided in point 2 on this page: https://www.tireshopwizard.com/upload-inventory#.

  4. Copy the data from your file and paste it into the matching columns in our template. Be sure there are no blank spaces present in the Category and Size columns. DO NOT move, delete or rename any columns in the template file or else the file will not be found and you will get a "Select File" error. You may have more columns in your file than in our template. You can combine some of your columns with the process described in this article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/combine-text-from-two-or-more-cells-into-one-cell-81ba0946-ce78-42ed-b3c3-21340eb164a6. The merged data can then be transferred into the best available column in the template file.

  5. TIP: Try to keep all your columns as clean as possible. For example: If some sizes entered as: 225 75 16, and others are 2257516 these will be entered as separate sizes. It will be more difficult to search under such circumstances. Take the time to be sure all 225 75 16 sized records are entered in the same way. This applies equally to the Category, Size, Title, Type and Section columns in the file.

  6. Rename your file like this: ranf- ,but replace the four letters with your 4 letter user ID. Use lowercase letters only.

  7. Save your file.

  8. Decide if you want to add your items to what's already in the program or replace the current inventory. Selecting Add will add new records to your existing list in the program. Replace will delete any inventory previously entered into the program. It will have no effect on any non inventory data or reporting.

  9. Choose your file from the folder it was saved in and upload it.

Following these steps will help you smoothly transfer your inventory into the Tire Shop Wizard program. 

If you would like us to do the upload for you, please contact us. Upon receiving your inventory file, and we will  transfer it to our template and upload it for you for a nominal charge of $49.00.